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Our course will be conducted using a traditional one-to-one approach, guaranteeing personalized attention for the children. Children will receive instruction tailored to their physical abilities.The course will be conducted by Yoga Alliance International-accredited Certified Kids Yoga Teachers.These classes are accessible both at our physical centers and through online platforms.

Kids Yoga

  • The education received during early childhood will establish a solid basis for the remainder of one's life. This statement holds true when it comes to yoga education and training as well. Children, with their innate instincts, can comprehend and acclimate to yoga with greater expediency. Introducing yoga to children at a young age will enable them to develop into resilient, well-rounded, and accountable individuals who are equipped to confront the obstacles of life. Yoga practices empower children to recognize their abilities and unlock their untapped potential. Our Kids Yoga classes are suitable for children aged 5 to 13 years. Children are instructed to engage in regular yoga practice, thereby transforming it into a permanent lifestyle for them. Introduction to Kids Yoga at a Fundamental Level Our course will be conducted using a traditional one-to-one approach, guaranteeing personalized attention for the children. Children will receive instruction based on their physical abilities. The course will be taught by Yoga Alliance International-accredited Certified Kids Yoga Teachers. These classes are accessible both at our physical centers and through online platforms. Nishṭha: Enhance Your Child's Development Yoga has deeply penetrated various aspects of our lives. "Competitive Yoga" is an example of an unconventional type of yoga. We have observed that individuals frequently regard the mastery of challenging yoga poses as the pinnacle of achievement, despite these poses not being intended for children due to their young age. It is important to address incorrect beliefs that are circulating, as engaging in such behaviors without proper guidance can lead to health risks. This motivated us to launch the "NISHṬHA Kids Yoga Program." Nishṭha, as the name implies, signifies how the practice of yoga facilitates the adoption of a structured and regulated way of life. We have developed a comprehensive curriculum that lasts for 8 months, aiming to instill a disciplined, practice-oriented program that deeply explores the authentic principles and objectives of yoga for our young prodigies. We believe that this will provide them with a solid foundation to develop into more skilled yoga practitioners in the future without being led astray by the incorrect techniques that their lack of experience may lead them towards. The advantage of implementing such a program is that it would result in improved physical and mental well-being, leading to enhanced academic performance and a disciplined, morally-guided mindset. Our goal is to develop a generation of knowledgeable and enthusiastic yoga practitioners who will serve as role models for future generations as yoga gains global recognition and admiration. An innovative line drawing technique, specifically tailored for each asana in this program, will enhance the children's ability to memorize the names, become proficient in the methods, and execute the asanas with confidence. Children acquire a comprehensive understanding of yoga in an engaging and educational environment that is thoughtfully structured. An appropriately directed approach to teaching is employed to ensure that their enthusiasm for learning is sustained. Duration and Schedule of the Course The Nishṭha program consists of three levels, each lasting for a duration of eight months. We have created a distinctive curriculum for children's yoga called "Path of Harmony," which includes five exclusive textbooks. The program is segmented into three tiers, with each tier lasting for a duration of eight months. We have created a distinctive curriculum for children's yoga called "Path of Harmony," which includes a set of five exclusive textbooks. To obtain additional information regarding the schedule and upcoming sessions, kindly click on the provided link. Relevance and Factors to Consider for this Course This course is appropriate for children aged 5 to 13.

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